In ayurveda, we eat seasonally. Nothing says autumn like pumpkins… or is it apples? Throughout the month of September, I am offering you ways to incorporate these two ayurvedic powerhouses into your menu. Let’s start with apples.
Apples contain Vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants like quercetin, catechin, and chlorogenic acid that are good for your brain and immune health. Raw apples help clean your teeth, tongue, and gums. They are rich in fiber and can aid in regularity. They are relatively low in calories (around 50 calories for a small apple) and their natural sugars can give you energy.
The cooling qualities of red apples pacify Pitta doshas, and the tart qualities of granny Smith apples are cleansing for Kapha doshas. But apples don’t agree with everyone; they can aggravate Vata doshas. If you’re a Vata type who longs for apples, consider cooking them down and adding a little cinnamon.
Whether you’re on team pumpkin or team apple, we’ve got you covered. Join our mailing list to receive healthy recipes featuring apples and pumpkin each week in the month of September.